Once Moore the Moron likes to chastise America! It is true that in the nature of economy men who do not have a disciplined life will control others just as any organization that gives power to fallen men. Some advents are caused by lack of knowledge, such as the cause and effect of the Oklahoma Dust bowl that caused the consequences of the Grapes of Wrath as John Steinbeck titled it. It was due to the improper use of farming techniques as yet unknown to Midwest farmers.
Eroded land, eroded lives: (unintentional) abuse of soil that allowed the Dust Bowl to be so devastating and extensive.

Now it was caused by oversold property due to improper credit which put undue pressure on Millions who could not get loans due to conventional/conservative methods. Unlike the Dust Bowl there is no excuse for the democrats turning a blind eye to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae abuse nor what no one who realized that burdening low wage or questionable long term employment with property that they would not be able to afford. Perhaps the congress should all take a Dave Ramsey course.