Spurgeon was one the greatest preachers in England. He had a photographic mind, could speed read, even in his congregation with thousands he could recall names of nearly everyone. His works where in more demand and printed in greater quantities then all the newspaper, periodicals and journals of his era. Considering that he had no formal training, yet by the age of 16 was drawing a large number in the streets of London. It is easy to google and find out the wealth of knowledge and treasures that he gave in truth about the word of God. Even though he seemed to be the quintessential Baptist his fellowship has crossed many lines. What saddens me is just like the downgrade controversy that he spoke and wrote about in his time is still on the march. Shortly after he passed away over half of his library was purchased in England and brought to William Jewell College in Liberty, Missouri. They did not yet have a library and ended up storing boxes all over the place until Carnegie built one for them. The library was there for 100 years until it sold. I my self visited there at that time and could not believe how many students had not heard of him. In fact the library set up a room to look like Spurgeon Victorian style study. I asked them if they had studied psychology and told people that they never hear of Freud would that help them in their future. Or even as similar had they said, they have took math and science and yet, never heard of Einstein what would I have to think, of their achievements. The school that had his library for over 100 years and they did not know, no wonder liberals and the gay activist have taken over.