“Where’s the Birth Certificate?”

We the People have just already raised over $50,000 with more to come so that we can have these Bill Boards seen around the USA.
Now for a kicker I am willing to
donate $1.000, 000.00
to a favorite charity if they show us a bonafide Birth Certificate, just like I also must show for official proof! What does it take to get public elected officials to keep the Law in Spirit and Truth.

In the coming weeks, billboards will begin to appear in other places, such as Los Angeles and Pennsylvania. Often labelled as “far right” wingers, or birthers, contributors have opened their wallets to donate to the “Where’s the Birth Certificate” campaign being organized by WorldNetDaily.com. More than $50,000 has been raised in the short time since World Net Daily initiated the idea. direct link to donation page http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=98787