The bicycle Kingdom is now driving gas guzzling cars. How is it that those liberals or so smart when it comes to environmental science but can't do simple math. Yes I like millions of other average Americans do want clean water, clean air, and be sound and prudent about how to deal with our trash. The liberals have a bad track record of actually getting things done without bankrupting business. They should study Teddy Roosevelt a little more. Rewarding people for doing a good job is better than penalizing people after the neglected fact. An Ounce of prevention is better than the results of what billions of others who economy has afforded then the luxury of driving. Renewable resources and other models that work are fine. Please do not blame the world greatest inventors of not trying to be better, because some of these other countries do not care. I can take you to over 30 countries right now that are causing a hundred fold the damage that you say we American are doing. It just like your intel department. One Man Stinking Thinking. You should hire someone like me. Punk! Wait you don’t have to like me to know that I can't be bought, bride, threaten, but in your heart you know I am on the right team. Get rid of a few of your yes men and get to the bottom of it all.
Thank You and Semper Fi from Your loyal Opposition