How about those who wish to destroy us in the name of Love!
The lovers of false Gods, unbridled greedy lust, lovers of Satan, evildoers, who would blow us up for their belief in 72 virgins in paradise, sounds like some kind of Hollywood orgy. It amazing that two men kidnapped a child and molested him until he died they must have been homosexuals not a mass media hoard to defend the poor young man.
Surely what happened to Matthew Sheppard is truly a crime of murder. He himself made the choice to go with two men for whatever reason, and left himself vulnerable in the company of evildoers. We can not always see what lies around the corner, but if we use this situation solely for the arbitration of hate crime, it itself pales in comparison to the thousands of women who have been duped by false love and hideously murdered. The percentage of Heterosexual crime against heterosexuals, (that means opposite sex) is astronomical in any sense of numbers to the thousands that have happened to the weaker sex. We cry out for justice when murder happens to anyone, but to use Matthew Sheppard to denote some huge conspiracy of violence in America against the gay community is inordinate and applies special privilege law for them as a select class of citizens. If they will not listen to reason, then the truth of reprobate mind is again the cause and effect.
What Father or Mother would tell their child to leave a bar under the pretext of having sex, with someone whom they did not know whether that would be homo or hetro flavored, and who in the world would leave with two people, men who by statistics cause more violent harm than women? All the men I KNOW WHO DO NOT CONDONE the gay lifestyle would not sit back and watch while someone is brutally beaten. We would intervene at our own peril, grabbing perhaps a tire iron, gun or other means of stopping this. That usually happens with the new nation of marauders who beat up homeless and senior citizens. Why would we do that, not just because of our Military training, but because it goes against the law of God? Sorry that Matthew did not have someone like us watching his back. Perhaps in the Bar he was not with anyone that knew him or sober minded enough to tell him how unwise to run off with these sociopaths. Read my letter on how to meet and judge good relationships. It would save you the hardship of having bad marriages, and falling into bad company. Martin Luther said we can not stop the Birds in the Air but we do not have to let them make a nest in our hair.
Of course this does not justify the crime, but if that is all it takes to enforce a hate crime statue, would you like to volunteer to go into some of the neighborhoods in America at late night. We could use you to stop gang crime, or volunteer for prison and we could stop rape crime, mano e mano style, a prison surrounded by law keeper can not stop lust. The list could get long; I think another crime much greater would be not to teach our children of love crimes and unbridled greedy lust that could get you killed.