You have to ask are the Democrats stupid, or just maybe they have a public school education run by mostly 90% DEMOCRAT UNIONS.
Actually both would be true if they do not know that a vice president is also the Executive Branch of our Federal Government. This is no way intended to diminish the victory of Obama who is actually the first President elected minority. It seems with the recent selection of a potential Supreme Court Justice being the first Hispanic on the bench we are playing the race card education. Who were the republicans in History, such as Martin Luther King? Please I do not get my education from the Statist, liberal morons who do not see the bigger picture of our great union. The one wing bird of California is about to crash and burn. Sorry it is sad to say, but bankruptcy is the key. Maybe we need our nose put in the wee again, like a dog who keeps peeing in the same spot on the carpet. We are going to be seriously threatened again by terrorist who would like to blow us out of the water. Will God have to allow this to put us on our knees again, 911 should have already been the wakeup call.